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three stick figures all in a line

Leading Without Titles: How to Shine as a Technical Leader

Ready to lead without the title but with all the impact? Unlock the art of influence that no one talks about, but everyone notices. Dive in and prepare to become indispensable.
2 min read
Building Diverse Teams in AI

Building Diverse Teams in AI

For all those companies building AI-powered tech - 😉 Ever considered the power of a diverse team behind AI magic? It's not just about inclusivity—it's about designing AI that's ethical, effective, and transformative.
2 min read
Rocking Remote Communication Isn't Rocket Science!

Rocking Remote Communication Isn't Rocket Science!

Navigating the remote work maze? I unpack my 7-year journey—casual chats, the art of unmuting, and video-bombing cats. Learn why it's not just about pixels and data but heart that truly binds a team.
4 min read